Monday, August 05, 2013

Le Curé d'Ars - remembering priests

Today, Monday 5th August sits in between the feasts of St John Vianney, the Curé d'Ars in the ordinary and extraordinary calendars of the Roman Rite. (4th and 8th August respectively).

His story, that of someone who struggled so much academically but ordained priest on account of his holiness strikes me immensely. How many souls are now in heaven for the Masses he offered so devoutly, the confessions he heard and the intercession he prayed before and after his death?

I contacted a number of priests yesterday to thank them for their loving service to bring us closer to Christ. How often do we so this throughout the year? I know that I do so very little. 

As Catholics, we hear so many negative stories, spun by the press but we should remember and be grateful for the vast majority of priests who have sacrificed so much to bring us the sacraments. 

Let us also pray for those priests, bishops, Popes who have died and could do with our prayers. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and may perpetual light be upon them. May they rest in peace. 

St John Vianney, pray for them. 

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