Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Remember gentlemen ...

... Real Men Pray the Rosary

I have to confess that I didn't really pray the rosary much at all until my fiancée, who had just become Catholic received one from me and a couple of others as a gift.  She had been trained in prayer (extremely well) by her former non-denominational (but basically Pentecostal) Christian community in intercessory prayer and once she started using the rosary was amazed at how powerful this is.

On my wedding day a good friend of mine who had been through a number of ups and downs in his life said that the blessings he had received all coincided with when he had been praying the rosary.  Since that time I have prayed this daily - often whilst walking or travelling on the train (or when the priest preaches in Cantonese at our local traditional Mass) - and strongly recommend it.

In this month of the Holy Rosary, how about we start with at least one decade and take the time to meditate on the mysteries and apply these to our daily lives.  Our Lady of Victories - pray for us!


  1. I entirely agree. I prefer to say the Rosary whilst walking, or in church saying it alone.For me saying the Rosary in common is a major distraction. The benefits of praying the Rosary are immense - not only in Graces received but in deepening my understanding of the Mysteries recalled.

  2. I recall the final words of a homily delivered by an old priest to a group of schoolboys: there is no finer way of falling asleep than saying the rosary. He could not have been more correct in every way and ever after I have kept my favourite beads on my bedside table. Rarely do I get beyond the first decade but I really don't think that matters.

    1. Encouraging! My wife and self pray the Rosary every night... and guess what? The old enemy often whispers in our ear... "Oh don't bother saying it now... you are too tired.... it isn't a sin not to say it after all... " So we pray it anyway even if we have to keep asking each other ..."Where are we up to?!!!!"

    2. Thank you all for your comments - it's such a powerful aid to prayer - I am so blessed to have rediscovered this - even if it is due to my formerly Pentecocstal wife!

      Please keep me and my unborn baby boy in your rosary and other prayers - Damian

    3. Wonderful! I can remember once being called early in the morning to the bedside of a friend who had died in the early hours and guess what? He was still holding the Rosary in his hands!
